Salesmanship | A Techies Definition

Imagine having a private assistant that works with extreme accuracy and applies all the correct algorithms for the completion of its tasks — Sounds amazing??

Well, imagination creates reality hence here we are, already sitting amongst Alexa and Siri. We are already consciously or subconsciously into the nitty-gritties of an AI centered ecosystem.

But whatever is AI?

If you ask this to 10 different people you may come across 10 different answers. That’s the scope of this technology. Simply put, it’s the science of making machines smart!’ From Smartphones to automatic cars, from security assistance to predictive texts, all are running on the bandwagon of Artificial Intelligence. Facial recognition to unlock things, voice assistants to offer help, e-commerce platforms to offer product recommendations or mail domains that automatically write parts of emails for you – all are controlled by AI platform. Machine Learning empowers AI’s capabilities. Technology powered by machine learning gets better with time and does not even need human involvement in due course of time. Hence disruption in technology is totally fascinating.

And now, how it helps Sales?

  • Builds Pipeline – Sales is truly working upon databases. Now, if you get hold of customer data with the help of few intelligent filters, you have build your pipeline.
  • Price Optimization – Once you identify your prospective client, you could diligently negotiate basis their previous buys and market shares.
  • Forecasting – Not much of rocket science required to crack this. The recommendation engine developed for Sales AI consists of predictive analysis where you can simply sit back and let the expert drive sales.
  • Upselling & Cross Selling – All e-commerce platforms have enough and more algorithms to flash you preferred offers basis your tastes and preferences and pocket size.
  • Close more leads – A rich pipeline of qualified potential clients has to make decisions on a daily, or even hourly, basis as to where to focus their time when it comes to closing deals to hit their monthly or quarterly quota. AI algorithm has enough historical data to just do that.

The recurring challenge for any company is continuously exploring ways to grow their revenue, reduce costs, and expand market share, while at the same time minimizing risks. It’s become apparent to leading edge companies that leveraging their existing internal database, and mining it for new opportunities using AI, will allow them do to so prudently.

If you are in doubt and would like to empower your digital platforms, do not hesitate to contact us!

Shveta Nawani 1

1 Comment


August 12, 2020 at 8:33 pm Reply

Customer will forget what you SAID, but they will never forget how you made them FEEL. By using AI to bring value to customers, they will feel greatly appreciated by our support.

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